Thursday, July 15

when will it goes to end?

extremely exhausted now,indeed! new's record which is the very first time half of day stayed in Uni i.e from 8am till 8pm wtf! since this sem no luck to get the car park sticker, then have to walk in to the block where it is around 1 or 2km far distances in btw! so if walk in walk out also accumulate to 4km long and walking under the hot sun, hell no! that's the reason why i stayed back because once we chose here we have no choice. T.T

meanwhile, utilized the break time to the max
10.30am - 12.30pm assignment time in library. the final project really screw me up.>.<

2pm - 4pm break time to take a long breathe and also generate a series of 'artistry' photos. =)

#1 the potential ballet dancer 

#2 the potential philosopher

#3 it's ME. a lazy bug. @_@

okay, that's all the series about three dreamers. have to back to real life. 
I couldn't stand for it anymore. good night all. 

有时候从另外一个角度来看世界,这世界会比较美一些, 空气会比较清新吗?

0 cow shits:

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