Wednesday, January 27


我要介绍这本书!真的是很好看! =D

这本<< 天使与主人 >> 是由红蜻蜓出版有限公司出版,作者雨文.

在学期假期中,因为呆在家太无聊,偶然发现这本书很感人,真的让人很感动!!(可能是我的哭线太低吧,看这本书的时候竟然让我哭得溪里哗啦,现在想起觉得满糗的:p )


UPSR考试结束了,为期一个月的“天使与主人”游戏正式开始。 晴晴必须扮演好“天使”的角色,写信给夏老师指定的“主人”,并关怀对方。然而,“主人”却是一个脾气古怪、性格孤僻的独行侠。这样的任务,让一向只和好友敏敏相处的晴晴头痛不已。一次偶然的机会下,晴晴竟然发现了“主人”不想让人知道的秘密!

另一方面,晴晴也收到“天使”写给自己的信。“天使”对晴晴的事情十分了解,就连“那件事”,“天使”也知道得一清二楚。看来“天使”从以前就一直在留意晴晴,到底天使是谁? 游戏进行的同时,好友敏敏跟晴晴的关系竟决裂了。难过的晴晴原以为“天使”会支持自己,岂料“天使”却严厉指正晴晴的不是,让晴晴重新陷入“那件事”的阴影里…… 事情最后会如何发展呢?面对重重困难,晴晴能够一一解决吗?

《天使与主人》有如一首由亲情与友情谱成的乐曲,感动你我的心。 梦幻创世主雨文梦幻天空

摘自 学海部落 » 说书馆 » 《天使与主人》

其实说真的,看这本书时让我想起了一位朋友. 我和他并不熟,称不上什么生死之交,更不是什么红粉知己.





当时我在想,为什么人生会无常? 平时看许多人都是因为身患重病而过逝的,为什么这一次会是他?





及时珍惜眼前人,才不会有后悔的一天。 J

p/s: ILY,daddy mommy, sisters, brothers, bf, and all my dearest friends + dar ;)

! if anyone interested to the book, can comment here and ask from me. I can borrow it =)

Sunday, January 24

Baking time ♥

Well, Chinese New Year is coming very soon!
One day, mom ask me :" Got interest to bake biscuit or not? I call aunt help us buy the biscuit ingredients then you bake okay? "

I :" Sure, if you din't mind to eat hangus ." =p

After that, my mom made aunt a called and she bought us the ingredient. Out of my expected, she gave us the ingredients straight the other day. Fast and efficient huh! teehee :)
It convenient to me also because i can bake it earlier since few more days later i have to go back Kampar.

Before that,mom bring me go nearer Econsave buy butter, caster sugar, flour, vanilla flavouring and soda Bicarbonate that the aunt din't prepare for us. :|
Other ingredients needed like nuts, chocolate powder, and chocolate chips. So we can start to do now =)

First of all, we need to bake the nuts for 3 or 4 mins to make it taste good and serve it.
Then, put the butter into a bowl that we gonna to make biscuit,whee~ ;)

When the butter is totally melt, put in caster sugar, egg, vanilla flavouring and soda Bicarbonate, mixture them all together.

Mixture them to melt each other *combination to be one that what our parents do in order to born us out* =p

After that, 300gram flour needed, put in to the bowl and mixture again. (my right hand started pain due to keep 'kacao' them :(

when you see there is a bit sticky, add in chocolate powder,nuts that baked before and chocolate chips.

Now you can make whatever size you like. mom suggest me to make it smaller because worry not enough eat for us. =)

Baking, baking, baking time. 8-) *while almost done, it smells good. slurrrp =p
Taadaah~! It's done! A little look like chips more biscuit right? hee. (some of them hangus already, but my dad thought it's coffee flavour and compliment me it tastes good. :D)

I want eat right now lur! yummy~

Friday, January 22

Rainbow ♥





其实我真的是爱莫能助。每天只能眼睁睁地看见他们人数的死伤一天高过一天的天文数字,以及他们一天乱过一天的求救方式 (为了生存,他们宁可抢劫,用刀用枪势必要抢到可让他们活口的方法,或者是冒着会跌死的风险爬上危危欲坠的高楼上)。

有心人士,有钱的出钱,有力的出力。佛祖定会给好心人士多多加持,长命百岁! =D


Thursday, January 21


walao , if YOU don't want go or can't go straight tell her honestly lo.. !!

Is it a MUST or NEED to ask me to be a bad people ? She called you ask your confirmation is your own business! What for must use 'ME' as your excuse? That's your house and your own business!! Please don't do over!! HARLO~!!!!

Freaking mad and impatient talk to such non-sense and abnormal people. Don't know am I luck or bad luck to have this KIND of friend!! zzz...... really speechless :|

Between, I know I myself have a bad temper and I already try to change and control it.

I think I've changed a lot but YOU!! I know you'd told me before that quite lot of my friends dislike my temper. In the other hand, do you know your behavior also not so good only! Don't always pretend like you're so innocent and you're the most pitier and yet you're so nicely and friendly so you can do and say whatever you like without thinking of other people feel. You know your attitude make me feel vomiting and disgusting!

Last but not least, you sure can analyze yourself whether you're the people I mention or not.
But I tell you, this is because your behavior had made me so impatient only will get this post. Should or should not blame me up to you. I don't care. I just want to release my unfairness. and you should understand, I've showed my enough politeness to you if not this post won't stand front of you for sure!

Wednesday, January 20

L i f 3

Life is boring, especially when you're in Kampar.

There are not entertainment : no cinema,no shopping complex except tesco, no club & no air-cond in my room. =p


When you're in comfort zone, you never appreciate. But you'll keep blame why the holiday so long because you're too boring at home.

When you're in Kampar, WOOYOH~! lagi boring.... then you'll start miss home, miss air-cond and regret of what you blame previously.

This is what I so called : 人都是犯贱! Including me. =p Are you agree?

See, even baby also feel boring. How about half-adult like me?


“我这个星期六开21岁生日派对咯,记得来吖!在我家8点! 噢给?”

!! 21 21 ,21 ! 光阴似箭,这么快就有朋友21 啦?! =(

要买什么啊? 唉,头痛. . . .头痛. . . . . , 最头痛的就是选礼物了.


不是说礼物不重要, 人到就好? (哎呀,人家说说而已,你还当真啊? 真天真,好傻啊! )

其实我个人觉得,21 岁,礼物礼貌上固然要给,毕竟人家已经当面邀请你去了,两手空空, 你好意思吗?


可是转一个身就骂道:"哇老,两手空空你还敢来吖? 明显你是要来骗吃骗喝罢了!不要面!" 

唉,若没有去到,礼貌上礼物终究还是要到吧! 真矛盾!

不知从几时开始, 当那朋友是寿星时, 朋友之间就得送礼物,来表达对他/她们的友谊之心..


其实不要说他们,有时候我自己也是其中一个. =P  不过是在小时候啦, 因为妒嫉朋友们有礼物收,而我却生日时,什么都没有 ='( * 因为我的生日都在放大假, 没有人会特地把礼物留到开学给我的 *

可是随着年龄增长, 不管有没有送礼,我已经不是怎么在乎了. 可能因为这样,反而可以让我更加感到自在. 也会知道哪些会是你的知心好友, 哪些不是. 可是我是那种, 连收到生日祝福都会很开心, 很满足的人. 因为我是人马座的嘛.... 嘻嘻... * 不要面*

哎哟,那现在该怎么办? 21 岁有什么礼物介绍? 可以是又经济,又大方体面的哦? 我不想送白金,因为大多数这不用我们送, 自然男朋友或家人会送的了.

告诉我, 留下你们的留言. * 我真的很烦恼,也很头痛.... .......

(以上种种都是个人看法, 如有相似,纯属巧合,亦不要对号入桌) =D

end up with my family during my sis' 21st birthday party ~ =)
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